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VHS cassettes, audio tapes and a CD case. The VHS cassettes are marked "Queertram 2004-05-20", and "Lesbisk Lucia en film av Malin Persson". The audio tapes are recordings of debates held by Homosexuella Socialister at Stockholm Pride 2005-2007. The CD is "Lesbisk sommar" by LHK Tribaderna.
Recordings from QRAB's collections. Photographer: Olov Kriström 2023. CC0.

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QueerSearch - a meeting in Munich

Reporting from the annual meeting of QueerSearch in Munich, NNAQH's representative brings home a message of inspiration for the future of queer archive networks.

Activating Queer Archives in Gothenburg

The third conference by the Nordic Network for Queer History Archives and Activities (NNAQH) took place in Gothenburg on October 19th 2024

Queer moves

03September 2024 | The meaning of movement and transnational dynamics of activism. Reflections after the second conference of NNAQH: Queering Nordic Borders. 

On the LIthuanian Queer Archive

28. May 2024 | “išgirsti” Queer Archive provides knowledge about queer history in Lithuania and beyond, collecting and preserving objects, stories and other artefacts that bear witness to our queer lives.

Queering Nordic Borders

31 January 2024 | Queering Nordic Borders, the second conference of the Nordic Network for Queer History Archives and Activities (NNAQH) will be held in Bergen April 20 2024. READ

NNAQH's Helsinki summit

22 November 2023 | The first public event of the Nordic Network for Queer History Archives and Activities (NNAQH) was held in Helsinki on October 11th, bringning together lecturers and audiences from all over the Nordic and Baltic countries - and some from even further corners of the world! […] READ

The Finnish Labour Archives – The formation of the queer archival collections

28 September 2023 | The formation of the queer archival collections of The Finnish Labour Archives from 2002 till 2023 and what the social democratic movement and gueer communities have in common. […] READ

How it all started

24 August 2023 | After a panel discussion on the importance of queer archives and queer history research, some archivists from the panel went to a bar to discuss how to network the queer past into the future. […] READ