Aasmund Robert Vik (born 1947)

Aasmund Robert Vik (born 1947) was the key figure when Åpen kirkegruppe ("Open Church Group", a network for Christian LGBT persons in Norway) was established in 1976. He has been a mainstay of the group's activism in the decades since, and also in other activist groups and organizations, predominantly DNF-48 (today FRI). He was also central in, and the leader of, the first join european ecumenical coalition of queer church groups, European Forum. In the interview he speaks about growing up in a conservative christian home in Telemark. It wasn't until he attended Romerike Folkehøgskole that he for the first time dared to speak openly with others about what he felt and who he was. After folkehøyskole he moved to Oslo and joined DNF-48, when he became the leader of the national board. He also speaks about the background for and early phases of Åpen Kirkegruppe.
In this excerpt from the interview Vik speaks about how it was when the church was discussed at meetings in DNF-48, and how they were to relate to it.
Vik donated the money he was awarded when he won "Frivillighetsprisen" (The Volunteer Award) in 2015 to the establishing of a queer seniors group at Sagene retirement home. Since then, Vik has also been in charge of the weekly meetings at the home.
The interview in full is available at Skeivt arkivs reading room. Skeivt arkiv met Aasmund Robert Vik in Oslo, May 2017.