Government visit
Monday January 15th, Skeivt arkiv was visited by six of the government representatives from Hordaland as part of their day-long visit to University of Bergen. Ruth Grung (Ap), Kjersti Toppe (Sp), Tom-Christer Nilsen (H), Ove Trellevik (H) and Torill Eidsheim (H) got a short introduction to Skeivt arkivs history, and some information about our current and future work. When Skeivt arkiv received government funding in 2016, it was a direct result of political lobbying and a great effort from amongst other Terje Breivik (Venstre) and Kjersti Toppe. Because of this, it was a particular pleasure to showcase some of our efforts and what has been accomplished with the funding we have received.
The principal of University of Bergen, Dag Rune Olsen, was also a part of the tour, and spoke warmly of the Department for Special Collections, particularly highlighting the Linguistic Collections as the newest addition to the department. The representatives were also able to study some archive materials pertaining to the decriminalisation of sex between men in Norway in 1972, a series of historical booklets and pamphlets from various activist organizations, as well as photos from some of our photographic archives. Additionally, they were shown a glimpse of our oral history project with a short clip from an interview with Linda Skage, one of the first to enter same sex civil partnerships in Bergen 25 years ago.