Forbundet for transpersoner i Norge (FTPN)

Forbundet for transpersoner i Norge (FTPN) is an advocacy group for transgender people of all genders and orientations. The group originated in Full Personality Expression Northern Europe (FPE-NE), established in 1966. This was a Scandinavian organisation with three subgroups: region Denmark, region Sweden and region Norway. In 2000 the Norwegian branch of the organisation became independent under the name Full Personality Expression Norge. In 2007 the name was changed to Foreningen for transpersoner – Norge (FTPN) and in 2014 to Forbundet for transpersoner i Norge, using the same abbrevation: FTPN.

The organisation has two main objectives: to work politically to improve the treatment of transgender people in society, and to support personal development for individuals. FTPN collaborates with Stensveen Ressurssenter.


Artnzen, Marion and Kari Kahrs. 2011. Mann er da kvinne. Oslo: Piratforlaget.